Saturday, March 16, 2013

A midday well spent!

I told you I was going to do better, two posts in two days, WIN!

I've been meaning to do deep cleaning in my apartment for a while now. I become a slacker over the winter and keep my place picked up but I don't get the heavy duty stuff done the way I do when it's nicer out. I started last weekend and finished the bulk of my apartment on Saturday. However, when I went to start on my bedroom I promptly changed my mind because there was no way I had the drive to do the kind of work that needed to be done in there. Of all the rooms in my apartment, my bedroom suffered this winter the worst. It was awful. I can't believe that I'm actually going to show you this (please, judge me if you need) but I want you to understand why I had to spend pretty much an entire day cleaning one room.

I didn't cut any corners while cleaning in there today. I washed all of the bedding, moved all of the furniture, dusted, vacuumed, tossed a bunch of crap, wiped down the baseboards and I even pulled the crevice tool out and sucked up what was probably years worth of dust, hair and only God knows what around the edge of the floor (eeww)!  I really love my mom but she could have kept her poor housekeeping skills to herself; that sort of thing doesn't need to be passed onto the next generation. Oh yeah, I also tightened up all of the screws in my mirror as it's gotten quite wobbly over the years.

Anyway, after a few hours of cleaning, I have a butt load of laundry to sort through but I'm pretty pleased with my final product:

p.s. I just love the panoramic function on my iPhone. Everybody said it was hard to use but I think it's user friendly and I get to take nifty pictures!


  1. Nice bravery, but it wasn't horrible. But, your clean room looks awesome. I'm sure it lifts your spirit too. I always feel better when my place is clean.

    An iPhone? Wow. Do you like it? I have a Blackberry, and I get a new phone this coming August. I'm excited for something new, but I like my Blackberry too.

    I'm glad you're blogging again.

  2. I'm very tardy but I wanted to add a comment too! You aren't the only one that has the bedroom take a hit when life gets busy. I have a bad habit of creating piles of clothes and things in our bedroom too. (Same for the office area too). Looks good though!
