Saturday, October 29, 2011

Slacker, party of one...

 Happy Halloween weekend all! I can't believe that Halloween is almost upon us. October flew by so fast and now it's almost gone. I suppose being on vacation for half of the month didn't help in the time flying business. I just realized today that I haven't put any Halloween or fall decorations up. If there weren't so much work involved in getting them out of storage I might still throw a few things out but I think I'm going to have to let this year slide. At least I was able to locate my Halloween door mat. My mom would come back and haunt me if I didn't have at least something Halloweeny around.

My trip home was amazing. I could go into a lot of detail but this blog would last forever so I just have to say that everything was perfect and beautiful, just like a wedding should be. Karla and Justin are so obviously in love, it's kind of sick at times. I was almost glad to leave for Charles City the Tuesday after the wedding because the newlywed bliss was starting to make me a good way, of course. However, Cody and Tasha are all of the sudden mushy in love again so I didn't really get away from the gooiness all that much. I am so happy that my brother and sister found partners who they will be forever happy with. It warms my heart just a little to know that they will be in love forever and ever! What more can a sister ask for.

Speaking of romance, my family had an EPIC fail in an attempt to set me up with my sister's boss at the wedding. The 'auctioning' off of Scott was a genius idea, and stuffing a 20 in my hand right before it started was good planning. However, he ended up getting Kim's (my step-sister) number and they actually had their fifth date last night. Karla, Justin, Lacey and Shawn (Scott's sister-in-law and brother respectively) had grand ideas of a Warnke/Soifer love connection but it looks like they're going to have to settle for a Roepke/Soifer fling instead. Scott is a nice guy and I know he was interested in me but I can't get mixed up in a long-distance relationship right now, at least not with someone I don't really like in a romantic way so I'm very much OK with the Kim/Scott thing. It will be very interesting to see how it all plays out in the end.

My birthday was fabulous. I was starting to feel better and I could speak by then...yay! I got to see lots of friends, but not all :-( and even ate sushi (not so amazing).  I think with everything else going on I didn't really feel like it was my birthday but that's OK. I'm liking 29 so far...I actually think it's going to be a really great year. I hope that by the time 30 rolls around I will be at or very near my goal weight and just really enjoying the fact that as I get a year older I get a year healthier. However, I need to stop being a slacker for that to happen!

I don't know what my deal is but I have been losing steam over the last few weeks. If it was just the vacation and the week after it wouldn't frustrate me so much but I was slacking even before. I hope it was just the I'm going on vacation soon thing playing into it but I have to get back to my original game plan. My eating hasn't been horrible but it hasn't been great. I'm still working out a few times a week but it's not as regularly as I would like. I've gotten into the habit of skipping some of my early morning workouts during the week and I have to fix that now. I think part of the problem is that this time of year makes me want to stay in bed all snugly and warm. I'm really looking forward to daylight savings. Hopefully that will help me feel more awake early in the morning. Also, as a side note, why the hell didn't skinny people tell me how much colder it is when you don't have as much insulation? I'm not anywhere near skinny and I already have a lot lower tolerance for cold. I can't believe it. I'm going to freeze to death this winter if I don't buy some clothes because I don't have much in the way of warm clothing that fits. This could get expensive. I hope to find some good deals.

I think that's about it. I have settled on a culinary goal for this winter. I would like to try and make a big pot of soup each week. There are so many great recipes out there and I really do enjoy soup. If you have any suggestions I would love to hear them!

Have a great weekend!

p.s. I only gained 1.7 pounds on vacation...whew!


  1. Welcome back! Yay for the wonderful wedding you attended. Do you feel a bit sad that it's over? Sometimes when I look forward to something and then it's over, I feel sad that it's done and over. 1.7 pounds is nothing - congrats on doing so well on vacation. I like your soup idea. I had tomato soup last week, and it was sooo yummy and warm. I'm not a big soup connoisseur. I'll have to make chili sometime too. I know Jenny loves potato soup.

    It's kind've funny how you have family here, whom I am not familiar with. You could have stopped at my place to get away from the lovey-dovey-ness. I know how annoying and depressing that can be. Getting set up can be scary too. Have you tried any of the online stuff? I have - there are definite pros and cons. Just a thought.

    I am always a Halloween slacker. I like the holiday and all, but I don't get into it. I haven't even bought candy. I'm getting excited to start a work-out program as soon as the play is over. I have some strong motivation to get in shape and feel better. I hope it keeps up.

    Sorry I didn't comment on your last post. Time got away from me. Stay warm and healthy!!

  2. Woohoo! Everyone is getting back into the blogging mood. I'm also happy to read that your travels back to Iowa were favorable. The attempted set-up is humorous. Points to your family for trying to pair you up with a nice guy. Points to you for keeping things in perspective. I imagine it would be difficult to start something up and immediately deal with the long distance.

    Kudos for the minimal weight gain while away. It's further proof that you have the correct mindset for a lifelong change in your health.

    I think the goal for soup is a great idea. I rock at making soup from mixes or emptying a can into a saucepan but I'm not the best at making it from scratch. I'm also trying to lay off the creamy soups since they have excess fat content and higher calories.

    Hopefully I can catch you on MSN messenger soon. I haven't communicated with you in forever!

  3. LeAnn, I am sad that it's over. So much planning and money went into the day and then it just flew by. I also thought about you when I was in CC. I'll have to get your number so the next time I'm in town I can stop by and say hi! And yes, I've thought about the on-line stuff but seems how your comment and your post have given me a blog idea I'll save my thoughts on the on-line stuff until I blog next.

    Jenny, sorry about not being on. My computer is only semi-functional at best and it wasn't working well last week. I think I figured out what to do for now so hopefully I'll be on this week.
