Sunday, February 12, 2012

PJ is finally here!!

I am happy to announce that as of 4:04 a.m. central standard time, Peyton James Buchholz finally arrived.  His labor and delivery didn't go as planned: Karla was induced on Friday afternoon and after over 24 hours of active labor; very little progress due to his positioning; and a decrease in his heart rate the doctors decided to take him via c-section.  Mommy and baby are both doing well.  PJ was born 7lb 11oz and 21 inches long.  His head is a bit odd shaped for now because of how he was sitting in the birth canal but that will get better.  I didn't notice anything in the picture but Karla said you can really tell from the side.  I think he's beautiful and really doesn't look too much like an alien!I'll post a picture when I have one.

In other news things are going well here.  I've been really busy with work (I feel like a broken record).  We were just getting settled in the new space when our new charting/billing/scheduling program went live.  Well, at least phase 1 did; phase 2 goes live in August.  It's been crazy because it hasn't really been working institution wide. I can't believe that with all of the testing that they did there were so many problems.  I'm dreading August, not just because I can't take my planned vacation now but because it will have an even bigger impact on our workflow and I think it's going to be bad.

I guess the only other thing I really have to share is that I ran just over a 10K on Friday morning.  I've been hitting around the 4 mile mark for my longer workout sessions on Fridays and after talking with a co-worker decided to give a 10K a try.  It took me about 85 minutes but I ran 6.4 miles.  To be honest, the last two miles sucked. I'm glad I did it but I won't be pushing for that distance again for a while.  I think I'll just keep working on my speed and gradually add more distance.

OK, I'm completely distracted right now so I'm going to end here.  Enjoy your Sunday!


  1. Congratulations on the addition to the family!!! It's too bad she had a C-section but hey...he had to come out somehow.

    My aunt works for McFarland clinic here in Ames. They went to a new testing/scheduling/charting system (phase 1) in the fall I believe and it's not going so hot for them either. They did testing prior to implementation and had huge problems the first day it was active for the clinic. It's caused her late nights and even some weekend work. Blah! Further proof that technology isn't always a godsend.

    A 10K?!?!? Holy crap lady! That's amazing. It makes me feel even more guilty for wearing my "Living History Farms Race" shirt. I got it from Jon because he didn't like it (he worked security at it in the fall).

  2. Congrats on being an aunt again. Your nephew has the name of one of the greatest QBs of all time. Quite the honor, lol. It's too bad that the chaos of your job will continue for months. Super congrats on your 10K running. That's amazing. I bet you're shrinking, especially in inches. I'm also amazed that you can deal with work and find time to work out. Keep it up!
