Sunday, January 29, 2012

Motivation for the win!

I can honestly say that this is the first week since September that I feel like my new 'old self.' This is the first week in months that I have been spot on with my eating and had the motivation to get all five of my scheduled workouts in.  Well, maybe not motivation so much as discipline.  It actually feels really good to be back on track.  It's amazing how easy it is to get lulled back into the habits of poor eating and laziness.  Fortunately I never completely digressed and paired my less than perfect eating with just enough exercise to maintain my current weight but if I hadn't taken the hiatus I could be well over 100 pounds lost.  Oh well, it's all part of the process!

I think part of my motivation this week was a very revealing conversation that I had with one of my new coworkers. She is the mother of a toddler and an infant and is hoping to get back to her pre-baby weight (she has maybe 30 pounds to lose). She started using Lose It! but isn't hardly eating because she doesn't think it will work.  She kept coming back to the fact that I lost so much weight in a short amount of time. When I told her the reason that I lost that much weight was because I started at 350 pounds she flat out told me she didn't believe me. So, I pulled out my before pictures and showed her. She didn't even believe that they were me. It's really weird for me to look at my before pictures because when I look in the mirror I feel like I haven't really changed that much, but man, when I see those pictures from the summer of 2010 I can see just how far I've come. I tend to keep those pictures hidden but I think I might print a few because I think it's not only good to keep an eye on the goal line but it's also really important to remember where I'm coming from.

In other news I almost ran 4 miles on Friday morning!  I would have too if I literally hadn't run out of time.  As it was I didn't even have time for a cool down.  My goal is to get up early enough next Friday so that I can get a full 4 miles and a cool down in!

I haven't done much reading lately but I did get out to see a movie this weekend.  I finally managed to see Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy and while I liked it I feel like I want more details. It's based on an English spy novel and I followed the plot but there were some serious undertones and implications touched on throughout the movie and I assume the book would cover them in a more satisfactory manner. I've read a lot of really good and really bad reviews about the movie and I can see where people could fall on either side of the fence. There isn't a lot of action or special effects which we as an audience have become accustomed to in EVERYTHING we see but the cast was amazing and did such a wonderful job.  Then again I'm pretty much in love with half of the cast from previous works so I might be slightly biased. 

OK, I need a shower and breakfast.  Enjoy your Sunday!


  1. Yea motivation! I've considered taking some pics of myself to have a better before and after comparison but then I remembered the photos from this Christmas and several from 2011. I have plenty of chubby Jenny.

    It always surprises me when people honestly believe that not eating or barely eating is the way to lose weight. Hopefully that coworker listens to you and provides enough caloric fuel for her weight loss process.

    I hadn't heard of that movie until you mentioned it. I think the only movie on my "need to see" list is The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo.

    Congrats on the consistent workouts!

  2. Your conversation with your co-worker is one of the indirect goals I look forward to (hopefully). It would be awesome positive reinforcement to hear comments about how much better I look. Plus, I think I would get the most satisfaction if I had a before and after picture of myself - talk about motivation and reward in one.

    Wow, 4 miles! You've got me beat. The best I have ever done is 2 miles at 5.8 or 6.0 speed on the treadmill. It was great for me though (at the time). Funny thing - I've never been patient enough for a cool down. I was good at stretching afterward, but not necessarily the typical cool down that you're suppose to do.

    I think I have heard of that movie, but I guess I have no interest. I read your blog a couple days ago, but I forgot to comment. Better late than never. Keep up the motivation. You should feel awesome!!
