Saturday, September 8, 2012

Damn you stomach bug!!

Happy weekend ladies.  I have to admit that as glad as I am for the weekend, I am even more excited to have finally kicked whatever stomach bug was wreaking havoc on my system all week. I was able to eat breakfast and lunch today with only minimal stomach discomfort...yay!! I'm still eating with a bit of trepidation just to be on the safe side but all seems to settling well. I have had to re-think my menu for the week as I was planning on working my way through the plethora of leftovers I have in my freezer, however, apparently everything I cook is spicy and I don't know how well spicy will sit (at least for the next few days). Oh well, I was able to come up with a few fairly mild and inexpensive replacement dishes.  I can always eat leftovers the next week.

Sadly, due to my illness, I only got one good workout in this week.  I ran on Monday, took Tuesday off because of an early morning meeting and then planned to run the rest of the week. That did not happen.  I figured excruciating stomach pain and a diet of ginger ale and saltines didn't lend itself well to hearty workouts. Even though I haven't been getting my runs in I have decided that this week won't be a total loss. I'm going to go for a nice walk this afternoon to the mailbox which is about three miles. I also hope that after eating some real food today that my legs won't be too angry if I try a nice run tomorrow. I figure at least get out for some intervals. Tomorrow is supposed to be as beautiful as today so I think I might spend a chunk of the day wandering around Gallop Park exploring the trails.

I don't really have much else to share.  I honestly spend the majority of my week lying on the couch dying, at least when I wasn't at work.  I did get a lot of sleep which was pretty amazing, I won't lie.  Sleeping from 8:30-5:30 is a pretty amazing thing.  Who knew nine hours of sleep could be so refreshing?!?


  1. Yikes. No one wants a stomach bug. I have enough going on with my skin right now. I'd be miserable if I had stomach issues too. If it makes you feel better, I only got in two workouts this past week due to schedule conflicts, and I am relatively healthy.

    Sleep can be amazing. I slept an inappropriate amount of hours today. I hope you feel better. It seems early for any flu or stomach bugs to be around; I don't even want to think about it.

  2. I salute sleep as well. It's like the ultimate healer but so many people put it on the back burner. Oh life gets overwhelming and we let other tasks precede an early bedtime.

    I'm glad you're feeling better. Work and personal time just suck when you don't feel 100%. I know work days feel like eternity too if you aren't feeling completely up to par.

    Hopefully the workouts are back to usual this week as you get your body back to where it needs to be.
