Sunday, September 2, 2012

Speed intervals and spinning class

Pretty much all summer I've been thinking that I really need to add more variety to my workouts. I really enjoy running.  I'll be honest, I don't always enjoy the early mornings and sometimes I really feel like I want to die while I'm running but I have this sense of accomplishment when I complete a run.  Even if it's not my best it's still leagues beyond what I was capable of when I first started this mission. I just think that I'm at a point where I really need to make a change to start seeing progress. I've been stagnating for far too long and I know it's because I haven't really made any changes recently.

I have no intentions of giving up running, or even making another activity my cardio go-to.  I do, however, know that I have to make changes to the way I approach running. It's no longer good enough to just jog 2-3 miles and call it good.  If that's my plan, then I might as well plan on staying where I'm at physically. As such, I have decided to really work at increasing my speed and my endurance. I tend to fall to a 5 mph pace when I do my longer runs.  I'm working hard but I can still maintain it for a 5k.  However, it's not really a challenge.  There are certainly moments when it's not easy but I never feel like I really have to dig deep to keep going.  My latest run consisted of intervals, walking alternating with running.  My running intervals were anywhere from 5mph to 7 mph.  Let me tell you, I had to dig deep to keep running 7 mph for 1:40 minutes.  I know it might not seem like much but that's a pretty fast pace for a girl like me. I'm not exactly built for 8.5 minute miles. It's funny how slow and easy a 12 minute mile feels after that :-)

I've also signed up for a spinning class this fall.  Every quarter the Ann Arbor RecEd catalog comes out.  I always look at the classes and think if only I weren't such a chicken I'd sign up for something.  Well, this fall I decided to not be a chicken and signed up for a spinning class. It's 8 weeks and meets on Friday nights from 5:45-6:30.  It ends the week before I head home for my November trip so I shouldn't have to miss any classes.  I realize that there is a really good chance that I'll get to this class and get my ass handed to me on a platter. I might end up just pedaling while everybody else is doing the real spinning stuff but I'm going to get as much out of it as I can. I'm hoping that adding some variety will not only jump start my body to get headed in the right direction, I also hope that it will give me a renewed motivation to keep making the changes I need and want to make.


  1. Your running endurance and adherence is amazing. Running a mile on the treadmill last week was tough fo rme. Sigh.

    I hope you enjoy the spinning class. I experienced that form of exercise in KIN 258 years ago and did not like it. The seats on the bikes suck. But they suck for a purpose. It keeps you standing during the workout.

    Onto a tomato pie recipe...

  2. I'm still working on my speed and endurance too. For some reason it just doesn't feel like my legs (knees mostly) can take a faster speed. I feel like I should be incorporating some weight lifting to my work-out. Do you?

    Like you, I'm seriously thinking about enrolling in a workout class at the place I workout. I'm a bit of a wuss, so I'm trying to get a friend of mine to sign-up too. She mentioned spinning, but I'm not a bike person at all. I haven't been on a bike since like junior high. She also mentioned doing the warm yoga class. I've heard that's good for runners as it stretches and strengthens muscles. So, I might be doing that. I'm not a yoga person either, but I'm willing to give it a try.
