Monday, October 8, 2012

Autumn update

Happy October ladies!  I am so happy to be enjoying this beautiful fall. The weather has been a bit brisk but I'm really OK with that. I love the cool temps and all of the amazing fall foliage that we've been having. When we moved into the new hospital we had high expectations in regard to the view from our eleventh story windows. I don't think even our greatest expectations could have come close to the beautiful autumn scenery that we have available to us. It's gorgeous from the ground but it's simply breathtaking from this height. It doesn't hurt that the trees go on for what seems like miles and miles!  The best part is that it changes so much from day to day. Can you tell I'm just a bit enthralled by our view??

Besides enjoying the autumnal flora, I have been keeping busy with many random things. I am working on a blanket for my soon-to-be-born neice. It is very close to being finished and I couldn't be happier. I'm so bad at these things. I'm always really motivated when I start and then my desire to crochet diminishes and I'm left with half projects. Fortunately with baby blankets there is a fairly solid deadline so I can keep on task. I pieced all of my granny squares together last night. Now I just have to do is finish the border and I'll be done. This is the first time I've done a granny square blanket. I don't know if I used the correct method for assembly but it's stuck together and I think it will stand up to multiple washings. I'll take a picture and post it when everything is finished.

I'm currently working on two books. I've been hoping to read the first book in the Game of Thrones series for some time but there are always a billion requests on the 20 copies that my library has. However, my friend Julie's lovely husband Mike heard about my predicament and managed to get his hands on a copy from his library. I'm about one third of the way through and I'm really enjoying it. It's a somewhat slow read and I feel like I already know what's going on because I Netflixed the first season last spring. I'm actually surprised how closely the first season of the show mirrors the book. There are usually many changes that take place but so far I feel like the first book was very truly adapted. Granted, there is still two thirds of the book left so there is plenty of time for them to trow in some really oddball stuff that I'm not expecting.

I am also listening to a book on my commute each morning and evening. Please feel free to judge me when I tell you the title. I've never claimed to have the greatest taste in the world. I have 5 words for you: Pride and Prejudice and Zombies. Yes, you read that correctly, your eyes are not deceiving you. I would describe the book to you, however, the name pretty much sums it up nicely. Take the classic love story of Elizabeth Bennett and Mr. Darcy and throw in a bunch of brain munching zombies. It's just about as ridiculous as you would imagine and I LOVE IT!! I only have 1 disc left and I'm surprised how good it is. Yes, the thought of zombies running around Austen's England is incredibly silly but I think she would have appreciated it. She wa a bit of a rebel herself, you know.

Last but not least, I've started my spinning class and although it's hard work it is great fun. I've had two classes so far and I'm really enjoying it. Don't get me wrong, it's not easy at all and my legs are like jello-o when I'm done but I enjoy the workout so much I don't realize how much it sucks until after. Oh, and the sweat, have I mentioned the sweat?  I sweat like a hog while spinning which wouldn't be so bad but then I have to take a bus back to my car. I'm choosing to believe that people don't want to sit next to me because I'm a stranger, not because I smell like a gym sock. Anyway, I have six weeks left and my only real goal is to be able to get out of and back into the saddle without hurting myself or the bike by the end of class. I have confidence that this can happen!


  1. That is a lovely view. Wow. I am jealous. I'm sure it happens every fall, but I can't get over how gorgeous the colors are this fall. I have heard some good things about Game of Thrones, but I'm not sure if or when I'll get to it. I'm glad you were able to get it. It's frustrating to want a book you can find, borrow, or buy. I've heard good things about Pride and Prejudice and Zombies too, but I'm scared to read it. I like the original; I think I'd get frustrated or annoyed by reading a modified version. I'm not sure.

    I still don't think I could do spinning. I'm glad you're liking it and it's challenging you/your body. Sweating buckets and smelling is a good sign. Good update.

  2. I too am jealous of your view. I have a nice view of white walls in my office and a window view of the hallway. I'm still in awe of your willingness to do the spinning. Did a few classes years ago during my undergrad program and I still remember the pain of the seat. I know squat about "Games of Thrones" but I do hear the name here and there. The zombie book sounds quite interesting though. What bizarre things will they merge next?
