Thursday, January 3, 2013

Boot camp baby!

OK, I did it. Even though it scares the holy bagpipes out of me (see, no swears) I signed up for my first ever boot camp. I'm going to be honest, when I woke up this morning I had no intentions of joining a boot camp. However, after a brief chat with another supervisor in my department, I suddenly had an overwhelming desire to sign up and see what I could get this old body of mine to do.

My original intention was to sign up for the same class that four other women in my department are doing. It meets on Thursday nights for one hour starting at 5:15. It would have been perfect because I could just walk over with the gals, get my sweat on and then catch the bus home for a shower. However, when I went to sign up, the class was already I was just going to give up on the idea but then I decided that I was really looking forward to the prospect of getting my butt handed to me on a platter for 15 weeks. So, I did a bit of investigating (read Google-mapping) and found that on Wednesday nights I could easily take the class at the NIB building. It's no more than a half-mile walk to the building on an outdoor route and if it's cold, I can cover most of the distance (a little less efficiently mind you) by cutting through the other hospitals. Again, it meets at 5:15 and will get me out just in time to catch a bus back to my car!

I figure that two nights a week of spinning and one night of boot camp will offer some nice variety to my workout routine. I got a chance to check out Planet Fitness tonight and I was really impressed. They have a good number of what appear to be really nice cardio machines but they also have this 30 minute cardio/resistance circuit set up. I still haven't had a chance to get to Anytime Fitness but I think I'm strongly leaning towards Planet. The price is right and I really liked the facility.

Anyway, I think that's it. I'll let you know how my first boot camp goes next week. I just hope my instructor doesn't resemble this guy...


  1. Good for you! I have done a boot camp once. It was through Ex Sp 258 (Fitness and Conditioning) when I was an undergraduate. I vividly remember it. I puked. But I remember leaving feeling fantastic so it was well worth the regurgitation.

    Sounds like you have your exercise and physical activity planned to a T. Well done.

  2. Kudos! There are a couple boot camp classes at the wellness center I exercise at. They look intense. I'd probably puke like Jenny. It sounds like you scheduled yourself for some great fitness - do you think it'll keep you accountable to exercising? I mean that signing up and paying for a class, having to follow a schedule - you can't really back out. I hope I'm making sense. I thought about signing up for a class for the month, but I don't like the idea of it being winter and getting dark so soon - not the best for driving. Plus, I'm paranoid about hitting a deer again.

    You'll have to fill us in about it. Maybe you can talk me into signing up for boot camp in the spring. :)

  3. I know exactly what you mean LeAnn, and yes, I think I will be held much more accountable to my fitness routine because of the classes and money. I actually talked to another girl in my dept yesterday and she decided to sign up for the boot camp I'm doing so we can keep each other on task. I'm really excited!!
