Sunday, January 6, 2013

Maiden voyage at Planet Fitness

As my title suggests I made first trip to Planet Fitness this morning. As far as I can tell, I think I'm really going to enjoy having a membership there. I arrived around 7:20 (after wandering around Meijer for 20 minutes looking for a lock for the locker room) and there were about a dozen or so other patrons in the gym. I was able to easily get on a treadmill and get my week 3, day 1 of C25k finished. I took a look at both of the circuits they have set up, a 12-minute ab routine and 30-minute whole body resistance circuit but I didn't get a chance to try either of them. Mostly because I'm not really sure how you're supposed to go about it. I mean, I know what a circuit is but everything is driven by this light system which my early AM brain was not capable of figuring out. There is a class on Tuesday and Thursday nights that focuses specifically on using the circuits so I figure I'll swing in on one of those to figure out what I'm doing. I might as well get the most out of my membership, right??

Even though I skipped the circuits I did manage to get a pretty good lift in. I focused mainly on machines this morning because, while I know how to use equipment, every brand is just a little different and sometimes it's hard to figure out how certain pieces of equipment work. If I'm going to get stumped by the machines I'd much rather do it without 70 people watching or a line forming behind me. I have to admit, I'm really glad I did it this way because I could not figure out the leg press for the life of me which is sad because the leg press is, or at least should be, one of the most intuitive pieces of equipment in a gym. Oh well, I managed in the end so I guess it all worked out :-)

After lifting I was going to head out but I just felt really good so I thought I'd give the elliptical a try. I have a love/hate relationship with ellipticals. I loved the ones at Luther. They were perfect for my stride. I was able to use them, find a good rhythm and not feel awkward at higher speeds. Every other elliptical I've tried has been a let down. I just can't seem to make them work. I don't know if it's the stride length or the angle but something just doesn't fit. I didn't have high expectations when I got on the elliptical this morning but was promptly surprised. The machines at PF fit me exceptionally well. I only planned on doing 10 minutes but ended up going 25.

All in all, I was very pleased. Very pleased indeed!


  1. Very nice!

    I have the love/hate relationship with ellipticals too. The rhythm never feels quite right.

    The circuit deal sounds really nifty. I bet you'll end up loving once you figure everything out.

    I wish I had some alone time with some of the machines at our gym. I feel stupid when I can't figure them out instantly. Or I'll adjust something and weights will drop or something and I'll make a ruckus. Blah.

    Excited to read more reports on progress and enjoyment!

  2. Well, it's good you found a place you like. I have no idea about circuits, so I can't even comment on that.

    I like ellipticals. If I were to buy a machine, i'd rather buy an elliptical than a treadmill. I'm not even close to that kind of purchase though. I have never had a problem with operating one, but I do have issues with treadmills.

    Let's hope Planet Fitness sees more of you!
