Wednesday, December 28, 2011

First 5k distance!


In anticipation of my March 11, 2012 5k I decided to see just how close to 5 kilometers I could actually get and I really surprised myself when I ran (read jogged) all 3.11 miles of it.  Granted, it took me 40 minutes and it was on a treadmill in a temperature controlled room but I DID IT!!  Now to work on my time...

Also, I like this cartoon.  Not only did I look like that on the treadmill this morning but it's that time of year again and my niece is in Brownies...AHHH!!!

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Shamrocks and Shenanigans

Hello, my name is Nicole and I have NO MOTIVATION!  I don't know what's going on but I just haven't been able to get my butt moving over the last few weeks.  I truly think a big part of that has been all of the stress at work, I'd go into it but I'm trying to curb my negativity, but lets just say things have been less than pleasant since moving to the new hospital and losing being a person short.  Don't get me wrong, I love the new space.  It's big, beautiful and so clean. However, people have gone crazy and we're just trying to say afloat.  On the positive side of things we are fixing work flow issues in the clinic and I hired a new employee who starts on January 9th!!

Besides being stress at work I just feel like I'm not working towards anything and I'm the sort of person who needs an end.  When I was going through C25k this summer I had a training schedule and I was a machine.  The paper told me to do it so I did it! Now, the paper tells me I'm done and I'm lost.

As I see it I have two options.  I can whine and sit on this plateau FOREVER or I can find a new plan.  So, new plan it is.  My coworkers Jill, Julie and I have decided to sign up for the Shamrocks and Shenanigans 5K in March! I have never actually run a 5K. Even when doing the program this summer my pace was slow enough that in 30 minutes I only went about 2.5 miles instead of the 3.2ish that is in a 5K.  I've also NEVER run outside. Well, scratch that...I just ran outside, in the cold.  My legs were good, my heart rate was spot on but my lungs were on fire.  I'm going to have to rethink the face mask thing to heat the air up. Anyway, I have two months to get prepared for a race with my co-workers so that I don't looks like a giant slug.  Fortunately for me I think I'm running more than either of them but they'll probably train more easily without being as overweight as I am.

Anywho, that's it for this morning.  I hope you all have a very merry Christmas weekend!

Monday, December 19, 2011

23 and 1/2 hours

Hi!  I know I've been gone for a very long time...too long, in fact. However, work has been insane and I literally get home at night, eat dinner, clean up a bit, crash and start over the next day.  I've been meaning to blog for days now but every time I sit down at my computer I think of how much warmer and cozier I'd be on my couch and that thought wins. Today though, I had a nice little reminder from a lovely friend of mine that I should stop being a slacker and BLOG! I have many thoughts to share but I don't have the brain power for it tonight so I'm going to take the easy road and promise a real blog entry later this week (read, this weekend) and share this really cool video with you instead.  Jessica posted this on Facebook the other day and I watched it, which almost made me late for work, but it was so good I just knew I had to share it with you.  It's a bit on the long side but if you can find nine minutes to spare, and you really should try, I think it's very insightful.  So, without further ado...