Saturday, July 14, 2012

Couch to 5K Redux

Bah...I should be showering or cleaning or menu planning/grocery shopping for the week.  Instead, I'm sitting at my computer doing a whole bunch of nothing. Seems how I can't quite convince my legs that they want to get up yet, I figured I'd stop by the old blog which I have been woefully neglecting.

I've been feeling pretty good about things lately.  Before I left for vacation I was struggling. I was eating out far too often and not eating as well as I should have been when I was eating in. I was getting maybe three workouts in each week and I wasn't really pushing myself like I need to if I want to keep losing weight. I put 6 pounds on when I hurt my back and I just couldn't shake them (mostly because I was being a slacker).

I decided that when I got back from vacation and had seen how great Jessica was looking I needed to get back to work. I can't let her get all skinny without me! Vacation was was just what I needed and when I got home and I had a renewed vigor for this weight loss thing! My first decision was to start Couch to 5K again. I know that I want to increase my running speed and just doing short intervals wasn't getting me where I wanted to go. I figured C25K worked for me last summer, it couldn't hurt to give it a try again.  Last year, my run pace was 4.5 mph, this time through I'm running at 6 mph which is where I would really like to live for a standard pace.  It will be really nice to crank out a 3 mile run in 30 minutes.  It's perfect for early morning workouts! I skipped the first week seems how I was already doing 1 minute intervals.  So far, so good.  I just completed week 4 yesterday.  I know myself well enough to know that I need structure and I really love checking off my workouts.  It gives me a sense of accomplishment.  Next week is a bit scary because I have a pretty good idea of how unpleasant that 20 minute run at 6 mph on Friday is going to be. Oh well, I know I can do it so I'm just not going to think about it until then.

Saturday morning happy dance...I just did my first continuous 5K since March.  After coming back from a 6-week physical therapist induced hiatus I had lost a lot of my endurance. I have done multiple 5K distances over the course of a workout but it usually resulted in either three individual miles with walks between or 2 miles-walk-finish the 5K.  Around the 2 mile mark this morning I was hoping to get closer to 3.5-4 miles but I was exhausted by the time I got the 5K finished.  I'm not going to be too hard on myself, I feel a 5K is a pretty decent workout regardless.

OK, I have so much more to share (like a few reviews and a recipe) but I am so distracted right now I should go do something that doesn't involve my showering or cleaning.  Anyway, happy weekend!!


  1. So is that C25K thing online? I'll try to Google it later and see if I can find it. I'm curious to see how it compares to the Interval Running program I got from Tiffany years ago.

    I was surprised by the wonderful change in Jessica when I saw the vacation pictures. She looks amazing. I caught her comparison of driver's license photos too. Crazy!

    Happy to see you blog again!

  2. It sounds like you're making good progress with getting back on track. I feel like I'm getting back to a healthier place too, but I'll save that for my own blog. Gaining six pounds doesn't sound horrible to me, but I'm guessing that the loss of endurance is worse. At my very best (years ago), I was running only two miles at 6.0, so it sounds like you're doing quite well. I'm not close to that yet. I don't know Jessica, so I can't comment on that. I hope to blog tonight. Thanks for the share and good work on getting back on track.
