Friday, November 25, 2011

Black Friday Success!

Happy day after Thanksgiving! I hope that you all had a wonderful turkey day and are ready to embark upon the Christmas season.  Let's face it, ready or not here it comes! I had a quiet Thanksgiving at home, my dinner was great but sadly I had to watch the Lions lose.  I was really hoping for a better game but I guess there's always next year!  I was up way too early yesterday and got in a really good workout, factor in the carb overload from lunch (apparently the latest research says it's not the turkey) and I was almost passed out on my couch at 8:00. I did manage to stay up and watch the new Charlie Brown cartoon.  It was all about Linus breaking his blanket habit. I don't think I realized just how neurotic most of the Peanuts character are until I watched last nights' show, especially poor Linus.

Just as I was heading to bed my grandpa Warnke called me.  He was at my aunt's when I called earlier in the day.  Ladies, I have to say that I'm always sad when I get off the phone with my grandpa. He's an awful lot like me when it comes to phone talking.  With rare exception he'd rather not do it.  However, in order to keep in touch we must. We never talk for more than a few minutes.  I could tell yesterday that he was ready to get off the phone but I think he's so lonely that he kept hanging on.  He'd go to end the conversation and after I said good-bye he'd start a new topic. I don't know that he'll ever be able to adjust to my grandma not being there. I can't imagine having someone in your life for so long and then have them be gone.  The loneliness must be terrible.  I'm alone a lot of the time, but I'm very rarely lonely.  When I am, it's miserable. It just breaks my heart. I should really change the topic or I'm going to be crying again.  I'm really hoping that this emotional thing that I got after my mom passed away will get in check some day!

After my workout this morning I decided to brave the crowds and do a bit of shopping.  I had a plan in mind and tried to stick to it as much as possible. I went to Jo-Ann's first.  I'm currently working on a baby blanket for PJ and the yarn I'm using was on sale.  I also needed some heavy duty fabric to fix my new winter coat.  Apparently when I never raised my arms or reached out in front of me when I first got it.  When I wore it last week, about 3.5 inches of wrist was exposed while I was driving.  Damn my broad, man-like shoulders.  Anyway, the woman who altered my dress is going to make cuffs to help keep my wrists warm this winter.  I picked up a pretty purple corduroy and a black plead.  I'm not sure which fabric will work best so I'll show both to Arta and return whatever I don't use.  I couldn't believe the lines at Jo-Ann's.  If I wasn't saving over $10 on the fabric for the coat I honestly don't know if I would have waited. 

After Jo-Ann's I was almost scared to head to other stores but I just couldn't pass up the deals.  Old Navy had killer prices on kid's clothes.  There were a ton of people but I have to admit, the staff sure was snappy about moving people through the check out lines.  I don't think I waited for 5 minutes.  I'm sure it would have been much worse if I had gone early but by 11:00 it wasn't bad at all. After a quick peppermint mocha break (yummy!!) I made my way across town to Fashion Bug and Payless. I'm not going to lie that all of my purchases there were personal but I needed new winter tops and boots. Fashion Bug had all tops buy one get one free and Payless had all boots 50% off.  I mean really, could I beat getting 50% off when the items are a necessity. I needed new winter boots, mine from last year were leaking and breaking down, after three years that really isn't a surprise.   And I literally have 2 long, sleeve shirts that actually fit me that aren't track jackets. My final stop of the afternoon was Wal-Mart.  Oddly I spent more there than anywhere else and didn't buy a single thing on sale.  Although, to be fair I just wanted to finish a bit more of my shopping today and the things I wanted were there. All in all, I'm feeling pretty good about my day of spending.  I'm just really glad I get paid three times in December!

I think the rest of my Christmas shopping should be straight forward. I'm planning on buying the rest of the kid's presents on Monday.  I'm hoping because it's 'cyber Monday' that I'll be able to find what I want on sites that have free shipping.  I figure seems how I'm not going home for Christmas this year I'll just have all of the kids gifts sent to Karla's house and then she can wrap them for me.  It's cheaper to pay for store shipping most of the time than to send it through the post office.  She's a good sport and doesn't mind doing my wrapping.  She's such a good little elf!  My only tricky person left is my brother Brad.  I got him for the big kid exchange.  I honestly don't know what to get him.  I told him if he doesn't send me a list he's getting a household item and smelly lotion.  I hope he doesn't think I'm joking :-)

Alright, I think I'm going to go tidy my bedroom.  I got a bedside table from a friend who is moving so now I need to rearrange some things. Have a great weekend!

p.s. Jenny, the cranberry pork loin (well, I used chops) was fantastic. I just wish I hadn't used the cranberry sauce I had in the was a little old and tasted a bit like tin can.  Oh well, live and learn!


  1. I've been extra sleepy this Thanksgiving Break. I don't know if I should blame food or lack of responsibility. Wow, kudos for braving the Black Friday chaos. I'm more of a Cyber Monday person. I just don't have the patience or stamina for Black Friday. Your idea to lengthen your coat sleeves is cute. I could use that too. I've been trying to keep an eye out for a new coat. I have something in mind, but I haven't found it yet. I feel like I am spending money left and right. I'm trying to make it all worthwhile. It's too bad you can't wrap and deliver your gifts for your nieces and nephews.

    I haven't been emotional lately (knock on wood), but I tend to send emails during that time, because I can't keep it together on the phone. That's too bad about your grandpa, but it's good you're talking. It seems too easy or at least easier to not talk. Sometimes I have force myself to talk to family and friends when I'm down.

    I wonder if Jenny saw that Charlie Brown episode. She has a special kinship with Linus as she holds tightly to her blanket too. Congrats on surviving and profiting from Black Friday.

  2. Oooo I need to see that Charlie Brown cartoon. I'm a Linus freak. The Linus you gave me as a gift still holds a special place in my bedroom.

    That is sad about your Grandpa but it's also great that you were able to have a meaningful conversation. I never talk to my Grandma on the phone. But I do try to write her a letter frequently.

    I have absolutely no motivation to partake in Black Friday shopping. I tried it a couple years with a friend from Waukon and BLAH. I'm glad you got great deals. I wonder if the JoAnn's across the street from here had a huge crowd too. I just don't have the patience for waiting in line, finding empty shelves, and searching for parking spaces.

    Glad you liked the pork! Cranberry rules!
