Sunday, November 13, 2011

Soup's on, part deux

Jenny, you are my inspiration!  Your blog title spoke to me and as I was reading about your tomato soup (which I love Campbell's Tomato Soup) all I could think about was having a soup's on-week.  So, I'm doing it and the menu this week consists of tortelini and vegetable soup; chicken and canellini bean soup and zesty wheat berry and black bean chili. I'm really excited, not just because I get to eat boatloads of soup but also because I get two opportunities to work with ingredients I've never tried before. The chicken soup calls for leeks and I've never cooked with wheat berries before. I can't wait!!

Anyway...soup's on!


  1. Ha! I'm glad my soup ramblings have been inspirational! Tomato soup may be on my menu tonight since Gavin and I are going separate ways with our food choices.

    What in the heck is a wheat berry?

  2. Apparently a wheat berry is the whole wheat kernel, minus the hull, comprising the bran, germ and endosperm. I think it will probably have the texture of cooked barley but I'll let you know more once I make it :-)

  3. Wow, talk about running with an idea. My meals are usually off-schedule on weekends due to my sleeping in, so I haven't had the normal breakfast, lunch, and supper. I was planning on having soup, but the odd schedule prevented that. Plus, I ran out of milk and had no bread. Anyway, you guys have fun with the soup. I will eventually be buying the ingredients for chili, but that's it. Tomato soup or chili - no extravagance.

    Good luck with your soup endeavors.
