Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Boxes, blizzards and bacon oh my!

I'm going to start with a profound though...bacon smells good! :-)  Sadly, my dear Sheena finally got another job and she's leaving us. To say good-bye we're having a farewell potluck for her on Thursday. I decided to make two casseroles and they are completely different in just about every imaginable way with the exception of the fact that they are both very tasty. First, I'm making a ridiculously healthy spaghetti squash casserole. It's full of veggie goodness and I really hope people like it.  I guess I will if nothing else.  The other casserole I'm making is about as bad for you as it can get and was inspired by a recent trip to the cafeteria. Last week they had a baked potato bar and I thought it would be really cool to try and make a baked potato casserole.  I'm not even going to waste my time calculating the calorie content.  I honestly think I'd rather just eat in happy ignorance.  I mean, come on, how good can it be when the main ingredients are a butt load of potatoes, 1 pound of bacon and lots of cheddar cheese.  That's not even taking into consideration the sour cream and mayo.  It will be bad, but so good! I also made my first batch of caramel corn and will be taking the majority of that in.  I decided that my caramel corn is just too good and I can't keep it in the house! p.s. seems how this blog is a day old I thought I'd let you know that I finished the baked potato casserole and it is SO damn good.  I can't wait to share it tomorrow!

Winter is  Michigan had it's first blizzard last night and into this morning.  Thankfully we only got about an inch of snow in Ann Arbor/Ypsilanti but there were areas not too far from here that got 10 inches.  I wouldn't mind the inch of snow but we also got 2 inches of rain yesterday and had some serious flooding. Unfortunately the temp dropped before the flood water did and all of our flooding froze.  There was some serious ice out there this morning.  Fortunately I have a garage so my car wasn't iced over and I just bought new winter boots over the weekend which meant that I didn't kill myself going to work out this morning. A lot of kids had their first snow day today...seems a bit early to be dealing with that.

Technically I have nothing to say about boxes because all of our packing for the new hospital  is being done in crates but I really wanted the effect of the alliteration.  We are in full swing to move this weekend.  I can't believe that we're finally moving into the new space. The next two days could prove to be very stressful at work. I really don't want to work on Saturday so I might have to put in some long hours on tomorrow and Friday.  Things seem to be going well so far.  Sure, there are problems but that's to be expected when you're moving an entire hospital.  Hopefully we'll be able to work out all of the kinks over the next few days. I can't wait to finally be in 1 location.  All of this running back in forth is making people cranky.

I guess before I close I have one more B for you.  I just found out yesterday that we get bonuses this year...yay!  I wasn't going to buy myself a Christmas present but now that I have an unexpected bit of cash I think I'm finally going to break down and buy myself one of the Keurig coffee makers.  The little one is just under $100 and will be perfect for me.  It's a bit extravagant but I never buy anything fun for myself.  I can't wait!

Alright, that's it.  I need to go snooze on the couch now!


  1. Oooo. Baked potatoes with cheese, bacon, and sour cream (and black olives) are delish, so I'm sure your casserole will be devoured. A healthy casserole and an unhealthy casserole is a good idea. One or both are bound to disappear. Keurigs are so handy. Jason has one. It's great for home when you want a cup of coffee, tea, or hot cocoa here and there. It's on my list to buy in the next five years, lol. That's an awesome surprise - a bonus.

    Your move reminds me of when I worked at the UNI Financial Aid Office. My "department" moved buildings, and it was crazy chaos. I'm sure it'll be worth it. Just survive the stress. We have barely gotten any snow. It actually snowed today, but you wouldn't know it five minutes later. I'm surprised. November (and even October) usually has a few snow showers. It's been so quiet, and now it's December. I think most Iowans are waiting for snow. As long as there is plenty of snow for Christmas, I'm happy. Be careful up there with the snow and ice. I got new boots too; I'm ready. Good luck with the move to a new hospital.

  2. Greetings! I've returned to the blog world again so I'm catching up on commenting. I love casseroles. It is quite difficult to make a casserole you can truly call "healthy" so I'm pleased you made the spaghetti squash option. I'm an addict when it comes to cheesy potatoes.

    You would have scoffed at the reaction to snow today in Iowa. We were getting flurries (no accumulation) and people were freaking out. Nothing close to a blizzard. The weather you got sounds quite nasty. I'm so paranoid about falling on ice.

    Congrats on the bonus. I wish ISU had the funds for that. I'm also interested in that type of coffee maker but I'll doubt I'll ever get one. It's nice enough having an electronic teapot so I'm satisfied with instant coffee and teas.

    Hope to catch you on MSN soon!
