Saturday, January 14, 2012

Back in the Game!

Happy snowy Saturday.  This is the first snowy Saturday that I think we've had all winter and it's perfect: beautiful, light, fluffy snow! I'm really thankful for it, in all honesty, because it was so nice last weekend that I neglected many of my domestic duties to engage in some outdoor activities and today is the perfect day to stay inside and catch up on blogging and clean!

I want to start my blog with a confession.  I have been a slacker. In September I stepped on the scale and weighed in around 255 pounds.  Today I stepped on the scale and weighed in at 255 pounds.  In three months I should have lost about 20 pounds and if I hadn't been a horrid slacker I would have.  I think this qualifies as being momentarily derailed (if you can call three months momentarily).  I didn't backtrack, I just stalled. However, I am officially back in the game.

The first step for me was getting a fitness goal in mind.  The 5K in March is that goal.  I've been running a 5K at least once per week since I decided to do Shamrocks and Shenanigans and the other days I'm working on speed. My 5K right now is at 4.5 mph which is really slow, but sustainable for me.  I'm not racing anybody but myself and if people think I'm too slow they can bite me. My other workouts consist of speed training.  I'm up to two miles at 5 mph and would like to be able to do a 5K at 5 mph by the end of the month. My ultimate goal is to be able to do the 5K without walking in March.  I don't know if that will happen or not but I'm going to work hard to get as close to that goal as possible.

My second goal is going to be harder.  I need to get my eating back on track.  I need to get back to not eating out with rare exception. I fell back into my old habits last month when I was working crazy hours and was stressed. Instead of coming home and making dinner I'd just grab something. Basically I let the stress win. Now, I'm having a hard time breaking that habit. Even if I stay in my calorie budget I don't lose when I eat out. I assume it's the buttload of salt found in all restaurant food. However, I don't want to have to deal with that. So, I have decided to end eating out completely until I get my diet back in order. Right now I have decided that the next time I will eat out will be Super Bowl Sunday. I figure that's three weeks away and should be a good length of time for me to reset my brain.

I also need to stop mindless snacking on the weekends.  I don't know why it's so different during the week but I don't really have a problem sticking with my meal plans Monday-Friday.  In all honesty, I sometimes think that if I worked 7 days per week I'd have a lot fewer problems trying to lose weight. No matter how well I do during the week it seems like as soon as Saturday hits I'm a mindless eating machine hellbent on self sabotage. I then spend the whole week trying to make up for the damage I did in two days.  I've decided to adopt a 'NO' campaign. I put 'NO' signs up on the fridge and cupboard.  I figure they'll help keep me in line.

Anyway, that's where I am...struggling to get back on the path I was on.  I know I'll get there, it's just frustrating to me that I got so far away.  But alas, it's all part of the process. Wish me luck!


  1. Hello. Really, maintaining for three months is nothing to scoff at. I think that is pretty commendable. Think of how awful you would feel if instead of maintaining you were heavier. Running a 5K at least once a week is also pretty commendable, considering how busy the work week can get.
    Snacking gets us all. I agree about working keeping us busy enough to not snack. My weekends are worse for eating than during the week. I noted on Jenny's blog and maybe I'll talk about it on my own blog that the end of the week seems to be a dangerous time for eating. I'm usually exhausted and I crave a pizza. Not good. I usually eat out once a week (Friday). However, that more than doubled lately. I went shopping in Cedar Falls today so I ate out with friends. I have a meeting with teachers away from Charles City, so we'll be eating out somewhere on Monday.
    Anyway, hope you get time to blog more. It definitely feels more like January with the snow and cooler temps. I am a bit disappointed; I liked the warmer temps and lack of snow. Oh well.

  2. I've enjoyed the snow in Iowa too. I've mainly enjoyed it since it's been minimal. Most of it actually melted today.

    I have to agree with LeAnn in the fact that you've successfully maintained. It's a new year, you have the correct frame of mind, and I know you'll start losing again very soon.

    I'm glad you aren't comparing yourself to the others that will be running the 5K. I like your running speed goal. Seems very feasible and doable. You're making me want to run a 5K...hmmmm.

    I'm going to try and put more recipes up...maybe that will help if you want new foods for lunches and meals at home. Then again, you already seem pretty creative.

    The snacking is a big foe of mine too. I would have to say that was my biggest challenge this first week back on Weight Watchers. I'm a nocturnal grazer. If I'm watching TV or on the computer, I need to eat something. Thank god for fruit and the fact that it's zero points in Weight Watchers.

    Happy to see you blog!
