Saturday, January 21, 2012

I a old gama...

OK, I know that the above is not proper English or even real words but I have to say I'm taking my inspiration from a 4 year old.  Tasha and Cody are moving to Denver this weekend, well technically Readlyn, and while Tasha was packing the other day Jackson was getting bored.  In order to entertain himself, Jackson took apart a curtain rod and used the pieces as canes and walked around saying in a raspy, old man voice 'I an old gampa.' I thought he was adorable, then again I'm terribly biased but I have to say, I really feel old lately. 

Friday nights are especially bad.  After a long week at work paired with getting out of bed ridiculously early I am lucky to make it to 9:00 and the only reason I usually last that long is because Jessica calls me on her drive from Owatonna to Decorah and we spend two hours on the phone keeping each other awake. However, last night Jessica did not drive to Decorah because of the weather therefore we didn't talk on the phone as long.  I was passed out on the couch before I knew it.  I woke up around 10:15 and moved to the bedroom and didn't wake up again until this morning.  However, it was at 5:50!!  BOOO.

As much as I hate getting up that early on a Saturday I also like that time. It's nice to just get up, have some coffee, catch up on blogging and watch the sun rise...and yes, after the snow we're having a lovely sunrise. I can't really complain because I feel quite rested, I just wish I had better hours for a 29 year old.  I hate feeling like I'm 60!

OK, I just wanted wanted to share that with you.  I'm now going to catch up on things I should have done this week.  Have a lovely weekend ladies!

p.s. peanut butter multigain Cheerios are AMAZING!!


  1. I know how you feel. I'm 24, almost 25, and some nights I can't stay up past 10. It's quite pathetic for me though, because I really should be staying up later to get work done. But, I know that if I don't get a decent amount of sleep, I can't teach very well the next day. Therefore, I try to sleep as much as I can on the weekend. I think being that tired tells you that you are doing a good job at life. So, don't feel too bad about it.

    Peanut butter multigrain Cheerios??!! I didn't know they existed. Those sound good. I just bought a box of Frosted Cinnamon Toast cereal. I believe it's whole grain, which makes it somewhat healthy.

    Tasha lived/lives in Charles City, right? It's not too far of a move is it? Maybe an hour. I can't imagine moving in winter, especially with weather like yesterday. I guess we have the snow we've been missing.

  2. Boo to I wrote a comment the other day and it's not appearing here. What the heck?

    So why is your brother and sister-in-law moving? Job-related I presume?

    I wish I could consistently get up early in the mornings (weekends or weekdays) because it would certainly help me get more things done at home. However, being awake before 6am is not easy for this lady.

    Good to hear from you! Hope to catch you online soon.
