Sunday, January 1, 2012

Resolutions and Stuff...

Happy New Year!  I'm going to join the masses and claim that I can't believe it's already 2012.  It seems like 2011 just got started and it's already finished. I will freely admit that 2011 was a much better year than 2010 and I think 2012 is going to be even better!

I was watching Dick Clark's Rocking New Years Eve last night and one of the little factoids that I found interesting was the list of most frequently made new year resolutions. Nothing on the list was surprising (see list below) however, I find it intriguing because my resolution for the new year pretty much fall in line with all of them, except number three.  I figure I'll get in a relationship when the time is right.

5. spend more time with friends and family
4. exercise more
3. get in a relationship
2. lose weight
1. save money

I tried to think long and hard about my resolutions for 2012. After all, 2011 was the first year that I actually succeeded in maintaining my resolutions: not using my dishwasher and trying more new recipes.  I'm not sure if I tried one new recipe every week but I know tried at least 52 new recipes over the course of the year! After going over in my head what I most wanted to accomplish in 2012 I came up with my resolutions:

1. I will run 3, 5K races in 2012 and hopefully improve my time with each race I run.  Right now I'm starting with the Shamrocks and Shenanigans race in March and will end in October with the Big House Big Heart run, both of which are big fundraisers for the Save A Heart foundation. I figure I'll run a middle race sometime in June or July...the summer months are lousy with 5Ks!

2. While I can't always spend more time with friends and family easily, I have decided that there are certainly people who I can make a better attempt to keep in contact with.  I'm hoping to call relatives more and make sure that I send more cards, letters and e-mails.

3. I really need to work on saving money.  It just seems so hard when finances are tight.  I think I just need to be more conscientious of how I spend money. This will probably be the hardest of the three.

I feel like I've set pretty realistic resolutions for 2012 and hope to keep my tradition of success 2 years in a row!  Anyway, I need to get some new year cleaning done so I should go.  Have a great holiday weekend and a marvelous 2012!!


  1. Those common resolutions don't surprise me. I'll be focusing on exercise, weight loss, saving money, and my faith.

    I'm still so impressed by the 5k stuff. Wowser. I've learned quickly now that I have extra bills (braces and a car) that saving money is a difficult skill to master.

  2. I'm not surprised by the common resolutions. In a way it's good to know that people want to improve their health, family life, and financial stability. I haven't blogged yet, but mine will probably fall in there somewhere with at least one unique one.
    I think you should be really proud of your 2011. If 2012 is better than 2011 for you, I can't imagine how awesome it'll be. Three 5ks should be good destinations for your goals to be reached. I had a similar thought about communicating more with family, especially cards for their birthdays. Saving money is actually hard to do with bills and emergencies. I feel really fortunate that I have a good amount saved. Knock on wood that I don't need it for anything unforeseen.

    Good luck.
