Sunday, March 18, 2012

New specs and itty bitty specs...

So I finally broke down and went to the eye doctor.  I've worn glasses in the past but they never help me see better (mostly because I've never had vision issues) and they just get in my way.  However, lately I've been noticing that when I read I have a hard time getting the words to focus. I've put it off and put it off, I was worried that they would tell me that my perfect left eye was going bad and I didn't want to hear it.  As it turns out, my left eye is still perfect and my right eye still blows.  Dr. Knight prescribed reading glasses for me and, yay, they were ready in an hour. I had a hard time deciding between the pair I got and a really cool pair of eco metal frames (they're made from 100% recycled material) but in the end these won out.

I also finally talked myself into, well more like talked myself out of talking myself out of, buying the one thing that I told myself I would buy when I lost 100 pounds.  When I started out on this journey, months and months ago I told myself and anybody else who would listen that when I lost 100 pounds I was going to buy myself a pair of diamond earrings. As 100 approached I started to think of all of the more practical things I could spend that kind of money on.  I hemmed and hawed trying to decide if it was worth it.  I really, really wanted them but I have a hard time spending that kind of money on necessities let alone extravagant purchases (under which heading diamond anythings fall).  However, I had an hour to kill from the time my eye exam was done until I could pick my new glasses up.  I didn't really feel like clothes shopping and there was a conveniently located jewelry store right next to Pearle.  As if I needed any other signs, they were having a sale!! And boy, did I get a good deal. They were on sale for $299 and when I declined the lifetime warranty they offered to give me the 'managers' discount and the lifetime warranty for $310.  I figured for 10 extra bucks it was worth it.  I already love them!  It's funny how something as small as switching out cubic zirconia for real diamonds can make a girl feel like a real grown up!  Anyway, here is a picture.  They're not huge but they're perfect for me!!

Anyway that's all I've got.  I'm probably going to spend the remainder of my weekend doing laundry and cleaning...woot!

I hope you all had a fabulous weekend and wonderful St. Patrick's Day!


  1. Nice glasses. I think they look similar to mine, and I love my dark, thickish frames. Doesn't it feel better with new "specs"? I hate how my eyes always get worse; it actually scares me. I don't want to be blind. The ears are so pretty. That's something I'll never partake in, because I don't have my ears pierced, and I have no intention of piercing my ears. I guess I didn't realize how expensive diamond earrings are. I wouldn't mind a diamond ring, however. Ahhh, hopefully someday I'll have a Prince Charming or a Mr. Right to buy one of those for me.
    Keep the pictures coming. It's fun to not only read about your weight loss, purchases, recipes, etc, but it's also fun to visually see those things too! Thanks for the share. I guess Jenny and I better hop to it and get a blog written.

  2. I had forgotten about your diamond earrings reward when you hit the 100 lbs loss. I'm glad you decided to still indulge and get a pair. Not to make you paranoid but I'd be afraid to wear real diamonds. I've lost more earrings than I like and I'd feel awful if I lost one of those. I get mad when I lost my Lane Bryant earrings because they aren't cheap either.

    My eyes have stayed the same since high school fortunately. It's so fun getting new frames since they can really alter a person's look. I find myself wanting to buy new frames more often then I should. Hopefully you got a sweet deal on them at Pearle. Just like diamonds, frames can be pricey too.
